2015 Tennessee State Open
Checker Tournament | March 6th thru 8th 2015
3-Move / Eight 2 game rounds (Masters, Majors & Minors) of 11/4 hour per game -
playing 2 rounds Friday, 4 rounds Saturday, and 2 Sunday
2015 Tennessee Open 3-Move Tournament Rules of Play:
2½ hours per round - 2 games (1 hour &
15 minutes per game)
If the game is
not completed on time, then a move per minute for 10 minutes.
If the move
per minute does not create a decision, then the referee (Frank Davis) will make a decision for
the results.
Frank Davis also has the options to ask for another Master's decision on a judicial decision.
When both masters ask for a computer analysis (decision) the position must show a value of 60 point to declare the win using KingsRow.
Player may request their 1st game completed by a referee decision so their 2nd game of that round starts on time for equal time & fairness.
A 3 point bye round would be awarded as the first bye, thereafter to the lowest opponent.
Only two points per multiple bye will be awarded to the lowest opponent.
If a player is 15 minutes late, then the game will be forfeited.
If a player is 1 hour late or more, then both games will be forfeited.
Repairing, only if necessary in last round (one time).
4 points for a forfeit round (2 points per game).
3 points for 1st bye, multiple byes thereafter gets only 2 points.
2 points for a win.
1 point for a draw.
(as posted on tournament bulletin board in playing room)
Friday, 3/6 |
Saturday, 3/7 |
Sunday, 3/8 |
Registration at 1:00pm |
Round 3: 8:00am - 10:30am | Sunday Service: 7am - 7:45am |
Business Meeting at 3:00pm | 4: 10:30am - 1:00pm | Round 7: 8:00am - 10:30am |
Round 1: 4:00pm - 6:30pm | 5: 2:00pm - 4:30pm | 8: 10:30am - 1:00pm |
2: 6:30pm - 9:00pm | 6: 4:30pm - 7:00pm |
Pizza Party in Lobby: |
6:00pm - 8:30pm (Players & Spouses / Family) |
2015 Tournament Dates | 2015 TN Open Results